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Siit leiate antud veebilehe sisu loomisel kasutatud viited. Retseptid pärinevad blogist My Gut Feeling ja Inês Carvalho instagrami lehelt @lowfodmaptist. 

Meie eesmärk on selle veebilehe abil pakkuda tuge neile, kellel on või kes kahtlustab endal soole ärritussündroomi, kuid see ei asenda mingil moel sellele valdkonnale spetsialiseerunud tervishoiutöötajaid. Käesoleval lehel pakutavad nõuanded on informatiivsed, konkreetsete kaebuste puhul ja diagnoosi saamiseks palume pöörduda enda perearsti või gastroenteroloogi poole.

Kõik IBS’ist

  1. C. Canavan, J.West and T.Card (2014.) The epidemiology of irritable bowel syndrome
  2. World Gastroenterology Organization (2015). Irritable Bowel Syndrome: a Global Perspective
  3. P. Enck and al (2016). Irritable bowel syndrome.
  4. B. E. Lacy and al. (2016). Bowel Disorders
  5. GC Parkes and al. (2012) Distinct microbial populations exist in the mucosa associated microbiota of subgroups of irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterol Motil ; 24 : 31-39.
  6. D.M. Brenner e W. D. Chey (2009) Bifidobacterium infantis 35624: a novel probiotic for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome.
  7. S. J. Lewis e K. W. Heaton (1997) Stool Form Scale as a Useful Guide to Intestinal Transit Time
  8. J. Schmulson e A. Drossman. (2017). What Is New in Rome IV. J Neurogastroenterol Motil. 
  9. M.M. Quigley et al (2015). WGO Guidelines on IBS 
  10. Gastro-Hep Communications, Inc. (2014). Irritable Bowel Syndrome: The Role of Food in Pathogenesis and Management. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2014 Mar; 10(3): 164–174. 
  11. P. Mackowiak (2013) Recycling Metchnikoff: Probiotics, the Intestinal Microbiome and the Quest for Long Life


  1. World Gastroenterology Organization (2018). WGO Practice Guideline: Dieta e intestino
  2. Monash University Blogue. IBS diet – your complete guide to IBS & diet 
  3. El-Salhy et al. Dietary fiber in irritable bowel syndrome (Review). 2017 Sep; 40(3): 607–613.
  4. About IBS – International Foundation For Gastrointestinal Disorders (2018). Dietary Fiber 
  5. Candeias, Vanessa (DGS). Fibras Alimentares
  6. Cancarevic et al. (2020). Is There a Correlation Between Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lactose Intolerance?
  7. Website Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2016). Lactose Intolerance Test
  8. Nilholm, Clara; Roth, Bodil; Ohlsson, Bodil. 2019. “A Dietary Intervention with Reduction of Starch and Sucrose Leads to Reduced Gastrointestinal and Extra-Intestinal Symptoms in IBS Patients.” Nutrients 11, no. 7: 1662.
  9. Canadian Digestive Health Foundation. Alcohol and IBS
  10. Website Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2017). Coffee and IBS 
  11. Website Irritable Bowel Syndrome (2016). Diet Management
  12. ASAP Science (2015). Are You Consuming Your Coffee Correctly?
  13. Monash University FODMAP Blogue (2017). Does caffeine affect IBS symptoms? 
  14. Blogue A Little Bit Yummy (2017). Getting Started on the Low FODMAP Diet: Elimination Phase 
  15. Blogue A Little Bit Yummy (2020). How does the FODMAP reintroduction phase work? 
  16. Wiley Online Library (2017). Re‐challenging FODMAPs: the low FODMAP diet phase two. Supplement: Food Intolerances in Gastroenterology: FODMAPs, Gluten and Beyond. Report from Gastrodiet 2015. 2017, March; Vol. 32, Issue S1, 11-15


  1. Medium – Sophie Bibbs (2018). Low fodmap shopping guide. 
  2. Blogue Fun without FODMAPS (2019). Low FODMAP Garlic and Onion Substitutes 
  3. Website Real Clear Science (2013). We’re pooping the wrong way! 
  4. Gazzola, Alex e Thompson, Julie (2018). IBS – Dietary advice to calm your gut, 88-106 e 108-113


  1. Biocodex Microbiota Institute


  1. About IBS – International Foundation For Gastrointestinal Disorders (2016). FAQ About IBS
  2. Gut Sense. Frequently asked questions: irritable bowel syndrome